Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Stinky Basement Guy

Upon arrival at a recent home, the door was answered by a young man who appeared all of the 5 years old that he said he was. His name was Shane. Shane called for his mother and yelled out that the "stinky basement" guy was here. Shortly with another child on her hip, Shane's mother came to the door and gave me the "rest of the story". Apparently, Shane has a fear of the space his parents call the "stinky basement", and for days, Shane had been told that the stinky basement man was coming to fix it. She said that her basement was dark, wet, moldy, and "stinky". I found all four to be true and was able to give Shane's mom a solution to her basement problems. While there, I also was able to talk to Shane about an old TV western whereby another little boy called "Shane" was able to conquer his fears and fight off Indiana attacks. Shane's parents had let this dark, dirty, moldy, stinky basement control their lives way too long and were now on their way to eliminating their fears. We bid a perimeter drainage system (AmeriGuard), a sump system (GoldSump), as well as some of our basement finishing products. We were able to play "superhero" for a little while, and "stinky basement guy" was able to provide an estimate to give Shane's parents a basement environment that was no longer scary. A dry, clean basement not only is healthier, it can put to rest the fears of a 5 year old. Truth be told; however, once I met Dad, I do believe he was more scared of the stinky basement than Shane. Art Linkletter had another TV program that ran in the 50's and 60's which may sum it all up best - The name of that show was "Kids Say the Darndest Things", and that about sums it up for today.

If you have a stinky basement and are in need of professional advice, give us a call @ 1-877-409-2837 or SIGN UP ONLINE for a FREE CONSULTATION.

Thanks for listening to the rambling thoughts of a stinky basement guy,
Larry Ralph Sr.

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