Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Indiana Mold Remediation Services: Getting Rid of Molds and Musty Odor

Have you experienced sitting down after a long day of cleaning and catch a musty odor in your house? The problem may not be the stains on your floor but something else. Here are a list of things that may acquire a foul or musty smell over time. When you find the source, make sure you get rid of it for good. Molds – Molds are often overlooked when doing routine house checks for tidying. Check for molds in places that get wet easily like bathrooms and basements. Bathroom molds can be cleaned with hydrogen peroxide or baking soda. Basement molds are another thing; you need to call Indiana mold remediation experts such as American Basement Solutions to assess the problem. A simple mold growth in a corner requires an easy clean. Mold growth, however, could be a sign of water intrusion in the basement, and you may need waterproofing to eliminate the molds permanently.

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